Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Twelve Sonnets: Francesco Petrarch (1304-1374)


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Francesco Petrarch
Francesco Petrarch: 1304-1374

Francesco Petrarch's sonnets are in Petrarchan form, using the scheme

The Italian Renaissance began with Petrarch and the first sonnets are credited to Petrarch.

Petrarch wrote in Latin, thus as many people were unable to read Latin, they could not read what Petrarch wrote. Petrarch was the founder of humanism, and the then new attitudes towards rhetorick. The new humanism held that rhetorick instead of being the servant of Logic, now Logic would be the servant of rhetorick. This slowly extended to all the arts of the Renaissance, including pictorial art, music, architecture, palace garden design, dance, philosophy, etc: all based upon a new Rhetorick tacens. As the sonnets presented here have been translated into English, much of their beauty has been lost.
  1. Petrarch Sonnet I
  2. Petrarch Sonnet II
  3. Petrarch Sonnet III
  4. Petrarch Sonnet IIII
  5. Petrarch Sonnet V
  6. Petrarch Sonnet VI
  7. Petrarch Sonnet VII
  8. Petrarch Sonnet VIII
  9. Petrarch Sonnet IX
  10. Petrarch Sonnet X
  11. Petrarch Sonnet XI
  12. Petrarch Sonnet XV


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